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Change your thinking and your life will Change The Tales of Two Men

'Tope Oladele

Change your thinking and your life will Change

The Tales of Two Men

“Whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” -Napoleon Hill

It is unimaginable what the mind of a man can do. Two men lived in the same generation; both were geniuses, citizens of same nation, they both loved music, experienced academic challenges early in life and possessed common trait of intelligence. One man tailored his mind towards making the universe a better place for mankind while the other man was an evil genius.

One man was Albert Einstein, born in Ulm on March 14, 1879 and was described as “the monarch of the mind” by the president of Columbia University in 1930. Einstein was not always a genius, he started off as a simpleton, greeted with failure at different times but he exercised his mind so well that when he died in 1955 at age 76, his brain and eyes were isolated for further studies before his remain was cremated.

In one of the analysis of Einstein’s brain, it was observed that the regions responsible for speech and language are smaller than those involved with numerical and spatial processing. In practical deduction, Einstein’s brain structure is so appraised because he ‘talk-less and think-more’.

Another man was Adolf Hitler, born on April 20, 1889 in Austria to German parents, he experienced academic setback at a time in 1905 when he had to repeat his final exam. Hitler was not always a genius but he exercised his mind until he became a superman in his time and was appointed an Intelligent Agent in July 1919 after World War I. Hitler was resilient in his pursuits, he became the Chancellor of Germany and he has this to say in 1937 to a British correspondence in Berlin “…don’t forget how people laughed at me 15 years ago when I declared that one day I would govern Germany….”.

Adolf Hitler was the evil genius behind Word War II that claimed about 11 million lives; he started the war by leading Germany invasion of Poland in 1939. Hitler was a great thinker and strategist and this was mirrored in his words when he said “how fortunate for government that the people they administer don’t think” which means he was a greater thinker than the people and no wonder he was popular in Germany and was also able to make congress accept his policies despite his party having the minority. If scientists had the opportunity to examine Hitler’s brain, it would have shown us that the regions responsible for emotion and love in the brain are far smaller than the region for war strategy. Hitler and his wife committed suicide on April 30, 1945 to avoid being captured by the Red Army; they were only married for two days. Hitler was 56 year old when he exterminated his own life in Berlin.

Imagine the two men whose lives were products of their minds, their thinking, intelligence and their perspectives of human. While Einstein spent the last ten years of his life fighting for peaceful use of atomic energy which he was part of its creation, Hitler said “humanitarianism is the expression of stupidity and cowardice”.

This tale means, whatsoever a man conceived in his mind and belief, he will become. You can build a fortune 500 company, you can build and govern the most stable economy in the world as a head of government, career civil servant or civil crusader, you can invent the most useful and valuable technology in the world, you can put smile on the orphans faces… Think like Einstein, think positive!

Ask Aliko Dangote what he does with his time and you can tell of his secret of success in business. History has it that Aliko started thinking business as early as age 5 while some children are still wearing diapers. Mark Zuckerberg who founded Facebook became a billionaire at the age of 20 because he started thinking of how to connect people early in life but Col Sanders started thinking business at retirement age and founded KFC at age 65. The age you change your thinking towards productivity is the age you start making progress in life. If you want to leave a legacy behind like Sam Walton that founded Wal-Mart Stores, change your thinking today and your life will change forever.

This is the subject of neuroplasticity of the brain.

‘Tope Oladele

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