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'Tope Oladele


"Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm." —Publilius Syrus You only know how strong you are in the time of storm, when the tide surge and the wind rage, when it seems the ground should open and the sky should fall, when you think the end has come or that your Pandora's box has just been let opened and your heaven is as brass. It is at this junction of life that strength is defined. The ability to face your fear and still continue in the pursuit of your goals in time of trouble, that is strength and this is why the Holy Bible says (paraphrased) if your strength fails in the day of adversity, then your strength is little. It is also important to know that so long as blood still run in your veins, there will be 'adversities' but how you react in the day-s of adversity will determine how you will continue to live your life from thence. Some people when you stretch them, they'll shrink and shiver while few become stronger. Be determined today to join the league of conquerors of adversity and if you are experiencing one now, you are not alone in it, shroud it off and face your goal for victory is ahead. #RiseUpandWalk

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