Many times you look at yourself with sense of achievement and give credence to what you have achieved, what your hands have built and what your intellectual power has brought to fore but little did you realized that the myriad you see is a miracle for some who are looking up to you but a mirage for those who see you in the basement of your pride and to them your achievement is like a dust which they can blow away in a split of seconds, your annual salary is their per second billing and your pride is their shame, your boast is their boredom and your charismatic, ecstatic and enthusiastic moment is what they experience in their low ebb. What an irony of life that shows that, whatever you have, there is someone that has a better type, what you know and boast, there are people that are inventing new knowledge. If you write a book in a year, there are people that write in a week without publishing the crap because your craft is their scrap, the peak of your writing is the pit of their skill and they don't make noise about it but their work make news for them.
It is metaphorical that the lion is the king of the jungle where you have the elephant whose baby is perhaps bigger than the fattest lion in the ecosystem but who quake at the roaring thereof. What makes a lion, lion enough is not the strength of the paw or the cruelty of the claw, it is not the sharpness of the teeth and not the smartness of their run but the boldness of their heart, the courage to overcome, the passion to conquer and the hunger to rule over all. A lion is never relenting, a lion is not boastful, a lion is restless when he needs what he wants and wants what he needs. Like a lion, you have to want what you need and need what you want then you can be sure to conquer your biggest fear, walk on coal and jump from the edge of the world without the fear of failure.
Don't think you have a legion because your empire is another man dungeon and don't think you have a dungeon because your shame is another man's expectation therefore, never get to a point that you think you have got it all and it is time to relax and never assume a state your gratitude will not be at great altitude. If the world were to slow down from spinning a second, we will die so also is the wheel of your progress, you must continue to paddle until you greatness comes.
Grace is the grease of greatness but gratitude is the lubricant of progress. Gratitude makes you look back and be thankful and at the same time while making you look forward in the pursuit of your dream. Be grateful for what you have and be passionate about what you need then you are ready to conquer the world.
Hello World, here I come!